Straight from Entebbe airport, awaiting lawyer to discuss incorporation of AMI Uganda
Pastor Dave Hino and Cindy & Hannah Akiyama arrived and went straight from the airport to meet with a lawyer about incorporating Amahoro as an Ugandan NGO (non-governmental organization--like an international non-profit). From there, we had a wonderful and blessed time meeting each of the Joyful House of Refuge (JHR) residents and working alongside them as the 17 of us now staying at JHR went to work putting finishing touches on the building and its grounds. Brush needed to be cleared, ground leveled, and truckloads of dirt and gravel spread to provide adequate drainage for the inevitable rains.
In addition to the physical work being done we have been listening and ministering to each refugee. God has been doing an amazing work in their lives and they are incredibly thankful despite the terrible losses they have incurred.
We are also preparing for JHR's inauguration with the community this Saturday, July 30; about 100 people are expected to come! Please pray that the weather will be good and that people will praise God as they see what He is doing at JHR.
JHR looked wonderful, but work needed to be done to prevent flooding and mud each time it would rain.
David, Paul, and Joël help clear brush so ground may be leveled
Hannah and JHR residents helping to level ground in front of JHR
Cindy and JHR residents applying wall art
Front of JHR as gravel is being placed. No more mud!